Do you feel chained to your keyboard

Is your time no longer your own

Do you remember when you used to love what you do? Are you now constantly working hard, draining your batteries but seeing very little rewards.

Do remember when you were full of new ideas and you could get things done fast, but now you feel chained to your keyboard with mind numbing admin.

Are you spending too much time on tasks that could be automated or outsourced but you're too busy getting things done to sort it all out.

I can help

If it ain't broke you still need to fix it

The rate of change today in business is mindboggling, fixing things before they break is an absolute necessity.

Products are more complex to design,  supply chains more complex to manage, and the intricate compliance and regulatory environment is only getting more difficult to navigate.

Your systems need to be flexible agile and cost effective.Thankfully there are solutions available. 

Low-code is a relatively new approach to software design that actively encourages rapid development. Manual coding is kept to a minimum, which dramatically reduces costs and development time. Flexibility is no longer slow and expensive.

I specialise in providing complex systems at remarkably low cost and in truly useful timeframes

How I can help

Spreadsheet Hell

Peel the lid off any company these days and you’ll likely find a rat’s nest of software applications. 

It’s a mix of commercial apps such as ERP and CRM; various packages for finance, HR and purchasing; and let’s not forget the Excel spreadsheets — you’ll definitely see lots of those.

You’ll see layers and layers of mind-numbing work — man hours, money, etc., devoted to connecting the whole mess together and maintaining it as the business needs change on a near real-time basis.


Streamline Systems

Why do we still have all these isolated islands of information that are barely tied together? 

It is possible  to replace all these legacy apps and processes with a single purpose-built information platform that can  change and grow at the speed of business.

Ive been doing just this for years

Reduce Stress 

High stress levels are often an indication of business inefficiency. Putting effective business systems into place can help you achieve lower stress levels, improve profitability and continually develop your team.

30+ Years Experience

I started my first computer business in 1986 - this was way before windows was invented and the internet was just a green dot on a screen. 

Since then I have helped businesses of all types from simple systems for builders and opticians. through to large fully comprehensive systems for multinational companies.  I have designed, built and supported systems all over Europe.

For a while I specialised in the legal world where I helped lots and lots of lawyers get rich - sorry about that.  I even   did a lot of work with holiday ownership companies - aka timeshare - really really sorry about that.

Along with this I have run my own businesses and I believe have a unique insight  combining the realities of trying to survive and grow  whilst taking full advantage of computer based technologies to save time and money. 

Ive been privileged to  work with lots of varied clients to help them grow from small struggling business to large international companies. 

I know I can help you too.

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Get in touch  

Telephone: 07572 048902




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